Insights on Excellence® Research
This annual IoE research cycle depicts how the IoE Benchmarking Tool, published research, and various member events work together to provide comprehensive learnings and exclusive engagement opportunities.
Using a strategy informed by voice of customer feedback, the official IoE research cycle starts each year in the fourth quarter with the release of the IoE Executive Brief. The themes and key takeaways featured in this report drive the next 12 months of IoE publications, event programming, and networking discussions for ASQE Organizational Members.
To participate in the research, the IoE Benchmarking Season opens each year in February and concludes in the third quarter. Research gathered during this time reflects all categories of the IoE Benchmarking Tool, an exclusive benefit of ASQE Organizational Membership.
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Since 2020, ASQE has emphasized the importance of digital transformation and Quality 4.0 throughout our Insights on Excellence® (IoE) research, highlighting the relevant factors that contribute to the advancement of technology. In this Focus Study, we explore the rising use of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and virtual reality (VR) technologies for improving organizational performance and examine the increasingly critical role that quality plays to manage big data, optimize systems, and create the foundational methods and skills that advanced analytics depend upon to be effective.
2024 ASQE Insights On Excellence Focus Study: Utilizing Lean to Minimize Waste Within ESG Initiatives
Since 2020, ASQE’s Insights on Excellence® research has identified that organizations continue to struggle with poor operational processes and wasted resources, with respondents identifying these as ongoing quality issues. Waste reduction and optimizing processes are also centric to sustainable development, translating into environmental, social and governance (ESG) metrics. As new ESG regulations and standards emerge, and global markets demand higher compliance in reducing waste and emissions, organizations can readily use lean as the leading practice to address these issues and assist in achieving sustainability goals. This IoE Focus Study features a deeper exploration of how lean, one of the most universally used quality practices across most industries, is used to advance organizational performance in sustainability.
2024 ASQE Insights On Excellence Benchmarking Highlights Report
Continuing with our fourth year of consecutive research, ASQE is pleased to present our annual 2024 IoE Benchmarking Highlights Report, formerly known as our Category Report. Renamed in 2024 to emphasize using the research results to measure your own organization’s behavior, this report provides complementary findings in conjunction with previously published IoE research, providing a comparative and comprehensive understanding of global metrics gathered by both quality professionals and executives.
While many industries continue to experience challenges in a post-pandemic world, trends show there may have been positive gains by adopting a more agile, change-oriented culture. Aligning with those factors, our focus in this edition is to highlight the importance of change management across all nine of the IoE categories. Used properly, quality-based change management practices can help any sized organization overcome resistance to change, update outdated processes to advance, and recognize the need for clear communications and alignment across all levels of the workforce. Used improperly, organizations will likely continue to struggle with overcoming barriers and low productivity or may even experience frequent staff turnover. Explore the trends in this IoE report—as well as insights from three quality experts—to help identify where you and your colleagues can focus your efforts to achieve holistic, positive change.
2024 ASQE Insights On Excellence Focus Study: Optimizing Supply Chains For Sustainability
Since 2021, ASQE’s Insights on Excellence® survey respondents have reported that delays from suppliers and quality issues from suppliers have remained a top 5 challenging or yet-to-be-resolved issue. Supply chains are more integral than ever before in achieving organizational performance objectives and mitigating financial risks. In this Focus Study, ASQE explores the importance of optimizing supply chains to pursue sustainable development and how quality methodologies can support these efforts.
2023 ASQE Insights On Excellence Executive Summary and Annual Report
In this new edition that combines our previous Executive Brief and Annual Research Report formats, ASQE provides a more innovative format to bring the latest Insights on Excellence® (IoE) research and trends to the forefront of the quality community, and to explore how our association efforts are optimized to assist in the pursuit of performance excellence. This comprehensive report provides association accomplishments and announcements on leadership, IoE Benchmarking Season highlights and research cycle information, a summary of the year’s membership-exclusive thought leadership events, and Certification Operation highlights. It also includes the latest findings from our 2023 IoE research, with a refreshed view of previously established findings for areas organizations have highlighted most as opportunities for improvement. New for this 2023 IoE Executive Summary is the more direct interconnectivity of how leaders interact and impact their workforce, and how both groups understand and execute environmental, social and governance (ESG) best practices to enhance and mature their overall operations, strategy, and customer engagement performance.
2023 ASQE Insights On Excellence Category Study — VOICE OF CUSTOMER AND LEADERSHIP
The world is changing rapidly, and the desires and expectations of customers are changing with it. What was forward-thinking even 5 years ago is now considered the norm, and what differentiates the success of one business over another is often who can meet or, better yet, exceed customer expectations the fastest. But to do that, organizations must understand what their customers currently want while anticipating what they will need in the future. To stay on top of customer needs and market trends, effective leadership needs to understand the complex, interconnected requirements of the customer, the capability of their workforce, the real versus perceived value of innovative tech options, and the vulnerabilities that new tech can introduce. In this Category Study, ASQE explores the connectivity of two Insights on Excellence® categories—Voice of Customer and Leadership—providing a deeper look at significant data and key findings to complement the larger suite of IoE research.
2023 ASQE Insights On Excellence Category Study — TECHNOLOGY AND MEASUREMENTS & RESULTS
The significance of technology and its impact cannot be understated; our global economy, supply chains, and society in general are fundamentally changed (and changing) because of digital transformation initiatives and developing technology. But there is no “one size fits all” for implementing digital solutions. Organizations across industries and regions are at different stages of their quality journey and adoption of digital technologies, but one thing they all share is a desire for their digital transformation to be a successful one. The difficult piece is that figuring out what success looks like depends on the specific needs of an organization, its current quality maturity level, and the readiness of its workforce and leadership to adapt. In this Category Study, ASQE explores the connectivity of two Insights on Excellence® categories—Technology and Measurements & Results—providing a deeper look at significant data and key findings for this category to complement the larger suite of IoE research.
2023 ASQE Insights On Excellence Category Report
Continuing with our third year of consecutive research, ASQE is pleased to present our annual 2023 IoE Category Report. Across all nine of the IoE categories, ASQE explores the trends, emerging priorities, and shifts in performance where quality plays an integral role. The goal of this annual Category Report is to deliver actionable guidance to our member communities to pursue best practices in organizational excellence and operational performance. This report also features four key takeaways to address areas of opportunity such as new requirements in legal compliance, changes in stakeholder expectations, and ensuring the organization’s mission has long-term relevancy. Plus, hear from three ASQ member leaders with years of experience to address these new challenges in operational performance per the research findings.
While many industries have experienced unprecedented challenges over the last several years, the silver lining is that many gaps and areas for improvement have been identified since then. The challenge moving forward is for leadership and their workforce to build a shared understanding of priorities and invest in up-skilling for both executives and quality professionals. Explore the IoE research trends in this report to help identify where you and your colleagues can focus your efforts to achieve positive change.
2023 ASQE Insights On Excellence Category Study — WORKFORCE
As demonstrated over the last several years of global disruption, leaders and their workforce must see eye to eye in order to maintain quality while remaining compliant and competitive. In this IoE Category Study, insights into the workforce from the perspectives of both executives and quality professionals are explored to determine where the two align and where additional focus and efforts may be needed to move forward. By reinvigorating organizational culture with a focus on employee engagement and well-being through a supported training program, leaders can navigate their disrupted workforce and have a positive impact on operations and performance results, now and in the future. This category study provides a deeper look at significant data and key findings for this category and complements the larger suite of IoE research.
2023 ASQE Insights On Excellence Category Study — Operations and Barriers & Disruptors
No two organizations define quality in the exact same way, whether due to their industry, their organization size, or their cultural and historical contexts. Indeed, even within an organization’s culture, finding and coming to agreement on quality is often a challenge. At all levels of the organization, the language and practice of quality methodologies can assist both leaders and their workforce. Thinking of quality as a culturally sensitive issue requires accountability, patience, and processes to create daily practices that are rooted in quality principles. In this Category Study, ASQE explores the connectivity of two Insights on Excellence® categories—Operations and Barriers & Disruptors—to build effective operations through inclusive culture. This approach helps to understand how the strength of quality management systems enables organizations to better handle disruption and how quality is a culturally sensitive issue that impacts operations in ways that are unexpected or external to the process.
2022 ASQE Insights On Excellence Annual Research Report
Each year, the ASQE Annual Report delivers a deeper look at our latest data in our research offerings, and focuses on two key Insights on Excellence® benchmarking performance categories: Strategy and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices. The objective of this global research is to deliver actionable guidance to our member communities and organizations to pursue best practices and holistic operations. This comprehensive report provides regional comparisons, and a clearer understanding of quality’s role in driving Strategy and leveraging Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices – the quality industry is poised to lead with inherent expertise and strengths to navigate the new definitions of organizational excellence in the 21st century. This report also provides association announcements on leadership and governance, an overview of ASQE accomplishments, as well as updates on benefits available to our ASQE Organizational Members such as the IoE Benchmarking Tool. We are also pleased to share a look forward to the future, as ASQE continues to evolve and create new offerings, and further develop our connection with ASQ.
2022 ASQE Insights on Excellence Executive Brief
Change has remained a constant of the last several years, amplified by various factors throughout all industries. To navigate these changes, this third edition of the Insights on Excellence® (IoE) Executive Brief features the latest key findings on areas organizations reported needed improvement: leadership, workforce development, and technology’s impact on performance. New for this 2022 IoE Executive Brief, ASQE is pleased to feature results from the newest IoE Category, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices, and how the quality industry is poised to lead operational excellence.
2022 ASQE Insights On Excellence Manufacturing Industry Report
A cornerstone of the quality community, the manufacturing industry has weathered unprecedented global change and disruption over the last several years. The goal of this IoE Manufacturing Industry Report is to deliver actionable guidance to quality professionals and executives within the industry to pursue best practices in organizational excellence and operational performance in comparison to global benchmarks. Explore the IoE research provided within this report, and the real-world examples identified by our featured quality subject matter experts, to help identify where you, your colleagues, and your supply chain can focus efforts on achieving positive change.
2022 ASQE Insights on Excellence Category Report
While many challenges continue to impact organizations as the world emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, data-driven decision making has proven to be a critical element of operational best practices that quality practitioners can drive across all industries. Explore the IoE research details within this report to help identify where you and your colleagues can focus your efforts on achieving positive change. The data in this report was collected by survey in Spring 2021, building upon the foundational data established in 2020. This report features the latest emerging trends across organizational excellence practices and a year-over-year review of all eight IoE categories.
2021 ASQE Insights on Excellence Annual Research Report
Each year, the goal of this report is to deliver actionable guidance to our member communities to pursue best practices in organizational excellence and operations. Since ASQExcellence (ASQE) published our 2020 Annual Research Report, the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic have continued to present significant disruption across most industries and changed the ways in which business is done. This year’s report presents a year-over-year comparison of our 2020 benchmarking data set with new 2021 research, identifying emerging trends and providing insights on what concerns are most prevalent throughout the quality community during these uncertain times. In this report, you will see a comprehensive collection of updates to the benefits available to our ASQE Organizational Members, including the new membership levels and resources such as our Insights on Excellence (IoE) benchmarking tool. In addition, we are pleased to share a look forward to the future, as ASQE continues to evolve and create new offerings, and further develop our connection with ASQ.
2021 ASQE Insights on Excellence Executive Brief
Achieving and sustaining organization-wide quality excellence is a difficult challenge, but developing and maintaining these initiatives during a completely unprecedented global pandemic is beyond complex. In 2017, when ASQ published “The Rising Economic Power of Quality” research report, the global economy was finally climbing out of the 10-year Great Recession, but had yet to face the immediate need for digital transformation that the 2020 pandemic demanded. Now, as ASQE builds upon this research in 2021 with the publication of our second Insights on Excellence Executive Brief, we see the challenges faced by organizations in the aftermath of the pandemic have changed significantly from those seen from 2017-2020—the data in our reports clearly shows that implemented solutions suddenly need change and a fresh perspective.
On behalf of the quality professional community, ASQExcellence (ASQE) is excited to bring you the 2020 ASQE Insights on Excellence Automotive Industry Report. The data in this report was collected in a foundational survey examining how quality initiatives are progressing in the digital era, based on the views and experiences of 1,036 executives and quality professionals from global enterprises. This report identifies emerging trends across eight IoE categories based on the perspective of 102 survey respondents specific to the Automotive Industry, and in comparison to the benchmarks established by the global data set. The goal of this Automotive Industry report is to deliver actionable guidance to quality professionals and executives within the industry to pursue best practices in organizational excellence and operational performance year over year. With the many challenges facing the current and future global economy, the need for industry-specific insights and guidance within the quality profession is even more crucial to compete and succeed. In addition, this report is complementary to the 2020 ASQE Insights on Excellence Annual Research Report, which features achievements of both ASQE and ASQ and introduces the IoE benchmarking suite of resources.
2020 ASQE Insights on Excellence Category Report
On behalf of the quality professional community, ASQExcellence (ASQE) is excited to bring you the 2020 Insights on Excellence (IoE) Category Report. The data in this report was collected by survey, to establish a foundational data set, which examines how quality initiatives are progressing in the digital era, based on the views and experiences of 1,036 executives and quality professionals from global enterprises. This report features the high-level findings across all eight of the IoE benchmarking categories: Operations, Voice of Customer (VOC), Workforce, Leadership, Strategy, Technology, Measurements & Results, and Barriers & Disruptors. The goal of this annual Category Report is to deliver actionable guidance to our ASQE and ASQ member and global quality communities to pursue best practices in organizational excellence and operational performance year over year.
2020 ASQE Insights On Excellence Annual Research Report
On behalf of the quality professional community, this inaugural Annual Research Report showcases additional emerging industry trends from the Insights on Excellence (IoE) benchmarking research, as well as association highlights from both ASQE and ASQ. Each year, the goal of this report is to deliver actionable guidance to our global quality community and deliver exciting updates about available membership benefits and resources.
2020 ASQE Insights on Excellence Executive Brief
In this research and executive brief, Forbes Insights, in partnership with ASQExcellence (ASQE) and ASQ, examines how quality initiatives are progressing in the digital era, based on the views and experiences of 1,036 executives and quality professionals from global enterprises.