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Frequently Asked Questions

What courses does ASQ offer?

ASQ prides itself in offering a vast catalog of live learning (virtual or face-to-face) and e-learning courses for individual customers, corporations, and certification exam takers. You can search our catalog by keyword, and/or filter courses by key topic or by learning format. Whether you are looking to prepare for a much-needed certification, or aiming for a career boost in your specific field, ASQ has the solution for you.

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Do ASQ members get a discount on courses?

Absolutely! We are a nonprofit Society and serve to grow our community of ASQ learners. One of the many key advantages of becoming an ASQ member is that you will receive a significant discount on all ASQ learning courses. Discounts vary based on the type and price of course, so please make sure to check your ASQ learning catalog: it lists member prices alongside regular prices for every product. This discount applies to individual members and ASQE organizational members.

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What can I use to pay for my course?

ASQ accepts Visa, Mastercard and American Express for online payments. Check and wire/ACH payments may be made through ASQ Customer Care.

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How many students are there in a live (virtual or face-to-face) session?

Course capacity varies by course and is set to allow the most optimal learning experience for the participant. You may be unable to enroll in a course because it has reached maximum capacity. A waitlist option is not offered. In this case, please check back periodically as future sessions are added on a regular basis or should a space become available. 

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How can I track my order status?

Please email Customer Care at [email protected], providing your invoice or order number to request an update on your order, or tracking information on anything that has been shipped.

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How can I reset my username or my password?

To reset your username or password, always go to the ASQ.org page and click on ‘Forgot password?’.
Screenshot of how to login to asq.org

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How do I access my learning content?

Your digital course content is available to you 24/7 via the ASQ Learning platform, and is included for free with your course.

  1. Log in on ASQ.org using your ASQ username and password. Forgot your password?
    Screenshot of how to login to asq.org
  2. Click the “Access My Learning” button in the upper right to open the ASQ Learning platform.
    Screenshot of Access My Learning button
  3. Click on the title of your virtual course session icon under “My Enrolled Courses.”
    Screenshot of how to access learning
  4. Click the “Syllabus” tab, then simply click each item to view the digital course content.
    Screenshot of how to access learning content

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What print content options are available to me?

Your digital course content is available to you 24/7 via the ASQ Learning platform, and is included for free with your course’s price. If you feel the need to print out your digital content, we still recommend you browse our publication catalog: there may be a book that will better meet your needs. However, there are some options to obtain a print version of your digital course content:

  1. Protected PDF―Free: Log in with your ASQ username and password, no earlier than 5 days before your course begins (and for 90 days only―365 days for select courses), in order to access a Protected PDF version of your digital course content: you may print it from a single device, up to three times only. Forgot your password?
  2. Personalized PDF: For a fee, ASQ can provide you with an unrestricted, personalized PDF that you can print from and keep for as long as you want. Please contact us at [email protected] for more details and pricing information.
  3. ASQ printed and shipped: For Certification Preparation courses as well as Lean Six Sigma Green or Black Belt courses, ASQ offers a professional print option on demand. Please contact us at [email protected] for more details and pricing information. Print option not available for e-learning courses.

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How do I print my digital course content from the protected PDF?

Your digital course content is available to you 24/7 via the ASQ Learning platform. If you are choosing the option to print your digital course content using the Protected PDF, please review the pre-requirements and instructions below.

What do you need to print my digital content from the Protected PDF?

  • Updated version of Adobe Acrobat Reader (download free here), and
  • Updated version of Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge (Internet Explorer will not work), and
  • Internet-connected Windows or Mac computer with a printer switched on (only one device allowed)

How do I print my digital content from the Protected PDF?

  1. Log in here with your ASQ username and password, no earlier than 5 days before your course begins (and for 90 days only―365 for select courses). Forgot password?
  2. Click the relevant file to open it on the secure platform (you can do so from only one device).
  3. Select “Download PDF To Print” in the upper right corner to launch the “Download To” page. IMPORTANT: Once you download the Protected PDF, you will have 30 minutes to print before your session times out. This counts as one of the maximum three prints allowed.
    Screenshot of how to download a hi-res PDF
  4. Click on “Download To Print”. Be sure to select “Allow” when you see a security notification. IMPORTANT: The file download is restricted to a single device.
    Screenshot of Download to Print message
    Screenshot of the Security Message
  5. Navigate to your "Downloads" folder or the folder where the PDF was downloaded .
  6. Right-click on the PDF, and choose “Open with Adobe Acrobat Reader DC” to open it. IMPORTANT: Opening the Protected PDF in a browser will not work.
    Screenshot of how to open file with Acrobat
  7. Upon opening, click “OK” on the security prompt if one appears (and “Allow” on the second one if any).
    Screenshot of Vitrium security prompt
  8. A “Print to PDF” prompt is displayed temporarily. Please read it carefully before proceeding.
    Screenshot of print to PDF prompt
  9. Click the “Print” icon to select the desired printer, print range, etc. IMPORTANT: The Protected PDF is restricted to three printing instances; whether you choose to print one page or the entire file counts as one of the total three prints allowed.
    Screenshot of print icon
  10. Return to Step 1 for any additional files you would like to print.

Common download/printing issues

  • Windows users: go to Edit > Preferences > JavaScript > uncheck the "Enable global Object Security policy" field.
  • Mac users: go to Adobe Reader > Preferences > JavaScript > uncheck the "Enable global object security policy" field.
  • Delete any failed downloads before accessing the course materials in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

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How do I log in to my virtual learning session?

Please follow the steps below to log in to your virtual learning session. If you are facing issues and your session is imminent, please email us right away at [email protected] with as much information as possible, including screenshots, browser name(s), and solutions already tried.

  1. 15 minutes before your session is scheduled to start, please log in on ASQ.org using your ASQ username and password. Forgot password?
    Screenshot of how to login to asq.org
  2. Click the “Access My Learning” button in the upper right to open the ASQ Learning platform.
    Screenshot of Access My Learning button
  3. Click on the title of your virtual course session icon under “My Enrolled Courses.”
    Screenshot of how to access learning
  4. Click on the dropdown arrow located to the right of the session title, then simply click “Join the Webinar”, and wait for Cisco WebEx to launch your session. Note: This may take several seconds/minutes to load based on your internet connection. Do not close your web browser, or else it will cancel the loading of the software for your session.
    Screenshot of virtual learning

Technical notes:

  • If the session has not launched after five minutes, check for notification boxes that may have opened under other windows on your screen. If none are found, check your browser settings to make sure pop-up blockers are disabled, and turn off any company firewall or spam security settings.
  • When WebEx loads the first pop-up window “Audio Conference” appears, you have two options to connect your audio to the session: calling in separately by phone, or (recommended) simply using your device audio. (Note: If you do not see the pop-up window go to the WebEx toolbar at the top of your browser window, select “Audio”; then choose “Audio Conference.”)
    • If you choose to call in separately by phone:
      • Select “I will call in” from the options.
        Screenshot of Call In prompt
      • Dial the WebEx audio number shown, and enter both the 9-digit access code and your attendee ID displayed on your screen, followed by the # sign.
      • A successful log-on will show a phone/headset icon next to your name in the participant list. If you do not see either icon next to your name, hang up and repeat this process, making sure all the codes and numbers are entered correctly.
    • If you are simply using your device’s audio (recommended):
      • Select “Call in using computer” from the dropdown menu instead, and follow the same directions identified above to join the audio for the session.
      • Make sure that your headphones (or computer speakers) are plugged in, volume is turned on, and that your microphone is unmuted.

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I need help understanding something in my course content.

To ask questions, or discuss anything related to the content you are learning with us, please log in to myasq.org and solicit input from our global community. See you there! Forgot password?

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I found an error in my learning content.

Please accept our sincere apologies for the error you discovered. ASQ thrives on constant improvement and optimization, and loves to hear from its community of learners who can help improve our courses. Please send us a full screenshot with a description of the error you found at [email protected] and we will get right on it. We’re very grateful for your help making ASQ content ever better for all learners.

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Who can I talk to about my instructor?

If you have any questions about your instructor, or if you’d like to share some feedback about them, please email Customer Care at [email protected]. All feedback will be treated in absolute confidence unless we obtain your permission.

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How do I get my certificate of completion online?


  • All tests and assessments within an online course must be completed with an 80% or higher and/or view a certain number of slides for it to be marked as ‘complete’.
  • The Certificate of Completion is generated into a PDF. Customers must have the Adobe Reader plugin installed in their browser for the certificate to render correctly.
  • Please note that ASQ cannot provide Certificates of Completion for cancelled or incomplete courses, or for courses resold from third-party providers.

How to access and print

  1. Log in on ASQ.org using your ASQ username and password. Forgot your password?
    Screenshot of how to login to asq.org
  2. Click the “Access My Learning” button in the upper right to open the ASQ Learning platform.
    Screenshot of Access My Learning button
  3. When “My Enrolled Courses” displays, search for and click the completed course for which you need the Certificate of Completion.
    Screenshot of certificate of enrolled courses
  4. When the course displays, simply click “Download Your Certificate”.
    Screenshot of how to download certificate
  5. The next step varies based on your browser:
    1. If you are using Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, the Certificate of Completion automatically downloads to your computer and is accessible via the control at the lower-left of your browser window. Click the control to open the Certificate of Completion.
      Screenshot of how to open certificate
    2. If you are using Mozilla Firefox, a control window displays. Select your preferred option, and click “OK” to open the Certificate of Completion.
      Screenshot of how to open certificate
      Note: When the Certificate of Completion displays, use your standard browser controls to save or print the certificate.

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How do I access my ASQ Learning Record?

Please follow the steps below to access your ASQ Learning Record. If you encounter issues, contact [email protected] for assistance.

  1. Log in on ASQ.org using your ASQ username and password. Forgot your password?
    Screenshot of how to login to asq.org
  2. Click the “Access My Learning” button in the upper right to open the ASQ Learning platform.
    Screenshot of Access My Learning button
  3. Expand the menu next to the ASQ logo.
    Screenshot of Access My Learning button
  4. Click on My Activities to view the report.
    Screenshot of Access My Learning button
  5. Course records are saved for a minimum of seven (7) years in ASQ’s Learning Management System. To print, right click on the screen and select print. Repeat on every page you would like to print.
    Screenshot of Access My Learning button
  6. Return to top

How do I apply for my certification exam?

There are several ways to apply. You can apply online, or you can download an exam application for mailing or faxing. You will need your resume and credit card to complete the application. You can also request a free certification brochure and application by contacting ASQ Customer Care at [email protected] or by phone at 1-800-248-1946 (USA and Canada only) or 1-414-272-8575.

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Can I extend access to my digital course content?

  • Live learning (Virtual or Face-to-Face): Your digital course content is provided to support your live sessions. However, we understand that you may wish to review it after your sessions, so we grant you access to the content online 24/7 for 365 days after purchase. This cannot be extended.
    • Note: The Protected PDF option expires 90 days (365 days for select courses) after the last session has taken place.
  • E-Learning: Your digital course content is made available to you online 24/7 upon purchase and for 365 days. This cannot be extended.
  • IMPORTANT: Some courses are delivered by ASQ’s partners and have separate content access policies. Please refer to the product page for exact information, or contact Customer Care at [email protected].

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How do I cancel my course?

Cancellation policy varies depending on your course, and is included on the product page in your ASQ learning catalog. See below for our general terms:

Corporate Training

  • Please contact your regular Channel Manager to confirm your contractual terms.

Individual Learning: Live (Face-to-Face or Virtual)

  • Requests for cancellations or transfers to another course offering received at least 30 calendar days before the start of the course can receive a full refund or transfer.
  • There are no refunds within 30 calendar days before the start of the course.
  • Requests to transfer to another course offering received between 29 and 10 calendar days of the course starting incur a $150 processing fee.
  • There are no transfers within 9 calendar days before the start of the course.
  • There are no refunds if the content has been accessed.
  • Enrolled students who fail to attend their registered course without advance notice are liable for the entire course fee.
  • IMPORTANT: Some courses are delivered by ASQ’s partners and have separate cancellation policies. Please refer to the product page for exact information or contact Customer Care at [email protected].

Individual E-Learning

  • For Question Bank e-learning: We will refund you in full if you cancel your course within 30 calendar days of purchase and if no more than one set of questions has been accessed. If more than one set of questions is accessed, no refund will be provided even within 30 calendar days of purchase.
  • For all other e-learning (including Specialized Credentials and Certification Preparation): We will refund you in full if you cancel your course within 30 calendar days of purchase and if no more than one module (also called "topic"), or online Knowledge Check in the course has been accessed. If more than one module, or online Knowledge Check in the course is accessed, or if a PDF within the course is accessed, no refund will be provided even within 30 calendar days of purchase.
  • IMPORTANT: Some courses are delivered by ASQ’s partners and have separate cancellation policies. Please refer to the product page for exact information, or contact Customer Care at [email protected].
Individual Specialized Credentials
  • For e-learning: We will refund you in full if you cancel your course within 30 calendar days of purchase and if no more than one module (also called “topic”), or online Knowledge Check in the course has been accessed. If more than one module, or online Knowledge Check in the course is accessed, or if a PDF within the course is accessed, no refund will be provided even within 30 calendar days of purchase.
  • For exams: Refunds must be requested within 180 days of purchase if the exam has not been launched. If a candidate launched their exam, they will not be eligible for a refund. If a candidate wishes to repurchase the exam after cancelling, they will pay the full nonmember or member price. The retake rate will not be available.

Please note that ASQ cannot provide Certificates of Completion for cancelled or incomplete courses.

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Can ASQ cancel my course?

In extremely rare cases beyond ASQ’s control, ASQ reserves the right to cancel or re-schedule live (virtual or face-to-face) courses and/or to change instructors. Due to partnership and licensing agreements within ASQ’s content provider network, in the unlikely event that ASQ is forced to withdraw a course (e-learning included), enrolment fees for courses not yet started will be refunded in full. Please be advised that in the event of a live course cancellation, ASQ is not responsible for airfare penalties or other travel related expenses you may incur.

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What is ASQ’s policy against harassment and discrimination?

In the event of immediate danger or physical threat, call 911 or contact local authorities.

It is the policy of ASQ that all Society members and participants in Society activities experience an environment free from all forms of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. As a professional organization, ASQ is committed to providing a learning experience that is inclusive and safe and encourages the exchange of ideas regardless of sex, race, color, age, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or any other legally protected status. Harassment, discrimination, and retaliation are forms of misconduct that undermine the integrity of the Society and violate ASQ’s Code of Ethics.

ASQ’s Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination Policy applies to all Society members and participants attending live learning courses, or interacting with others on ASQ’s online learning platform. To review the full ASQ Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination Policy, visit https://asq.org/about-asq/governing-documents#compliance.

To report an incident during a live learning course: Any person covered by this policy who believes they have been subjected to harassment or discrimination should report the incident immediately using ASQ’s Red Flag Reporting system (Client Code: ASQMEM) at 877-647-3335 or www.redflagreporting.com. ASQ management can also assist any person in making a direct report to the Legal or Human Resources departments. All complaints will be treated seriously and investigated promptly.

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