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Quality Glossary - J


Jidohka: Stopping a line automatically when a defective part is detected. Any necessary improvements can then be made by directing attention to the stopped equipment and the worker who stopped the operation. The jidohka system puts faith in the worker as a thinker and allows all workers the right to stop the line on which they are working. Also see “autonomation.”

JISQ 9100: An international quality management standard for the aerospace industry. Also see AS9100.

Job instruction: Quality system documentation that describes work conducted in one function in an organization, such as setup, inspection, rework or operator.

The Joint Commission: A U.S. healthcare accreditation body; formerly known as Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.

Judgment inspection: A form of inspection to determine nonconforming product. Also see "informative inspection."

Juran trilogy: Three managerial processes identified by Joseph M. Juran for use in managing for quality: quality planning, quality control and quality improvement.

Just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing: An optimal material requirement planning system for a manufacturing process in which there is little or no manufacturing material inventory on hand at the manufacturing site and little or no incoming inspection.

Just-in-time (JIT) training: The provision of training only when it is needed to all but eliminate the loss of knowledge and skill caused by a lag between training and use.