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Member Communication

QPLive: ASQ Members and QP subscribers can find out every month when the latest issue of their magazine is available. It highlights all of the articles, advertisements and standing columns.


Career Connection: In this bi-monthly newsletter, you'll find solutions and opportunities that will help you grow your professional quality career and improve your workplace.

Lean & Six Sigma Review updates: A quarterly e-newsletter about the practice of six sigma and related disciplines.

QPConnection: ASQ nonmembers receive this monthly e-newsletter highlighting the QP content that is open to everyone. It includes a feature article, an article on a basic concept or tool, reading recommendations, a profile of someone in quality and news headlines.

Quality Press News: The monthly e-newsletter containing information about new book releases, standards, and more! 

Standards Connection: This quarterly newsletter focuses on the ISO 9001 revision and other standards news. It features Standards Channel videos, relevant QP articles, answers to standards questions and exclusive articles from standards experts.

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