Seven Lean Six Sigma Tools Webcast Series: 5S
Seven Lean Six Sigma Tools Webcast Series: 5S
- Publication:
- Date:
- August 2010
- Author(s):
- ReVelle, Jack
- Organization(s):
- ReVelle Solutions, Inc.
- Length:
- 15 minutes
- Formats:
- WebEx
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This webcast focuses on 5S, which stands for sort, straighten, shine, standardize, and sustain and is based on the Japanese concept for housekeeping (seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke). This process supports lean in its most basic form. Maintaining a simplified and streamlined work environment helps you eliminate waste on a personal level. From here, you can apply the concepts at process and organizational levels.
See other webcasts in this series of seven focusing on common lean and Six Sigma tools: