Talk the Walk
Talk the Walk
- Publication:
- Six Sigma Forum Magazine
- Date:
- February 2018
- Issue:
- Volume 17 Issue 2
- Pages:
- pp. 23-26
- Author(s):
- Arp Jr., Donald
- Organization(s):
- State of Nebraska Center of Operational Excellence, Lincoln, NE
A process walk, otherwise known as gemba, is a useful tool for process improvement. Process walks are as simple as observing a process as it is done, in the place where it's done. These walks are usually carried out by the person looking to improve a certain process, often a member of management in an organization. However, just performing a process walk is not always enough to find parts of a process that are not working or are inefficient. Often the process walks need to be accompanied by questions about efficacy to staff, who will usually have insights into the process that will help greatly with improvement.
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