Social Responsibility and Performance Excellence
- Publication:
- Journal for Quality and Participation
- Date:
- April 2014
- Issue:
- Volume 37 Issue 1
- Pages:
- pp. 10-13
- Author(s):
- Kendall, Kay,
- Organization(s):
- BaldrigeCoach, Richardson, TX
This article explores how some successful organizations are using the Criteria for Performace Excellence associated with the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. These organizations are using the criteria as a framework to drive their ability to achieve excellent performance results while serving as role models for societal responsibility. Although Baldrige is compatible with Six Sigma, lean, and other improvement methodologies and accreditation programs, it has a broader influence on organizations that use it as a framework for how they do business. One of the reasons is the criteria's lack of prescriptiveness, which makes it possible for each organization to determine its approach for implementing the key systems. Another reason is its ability to mirror the complex interrelationships that exist in organizations while providing clarity and integration. A final compelling rationale is that the criteria are evaluated continuously, tested, and improved to address the changing environment in which organizations operate.