Embedding Social Responsibility Principles Within Quality Leadership Practices
- Publication:
- Quality Management Journal
- Date:
- January 2015
- Issue:
- Volume 22 Issue 1
- Pages:
- pp. 6-9
- Author(s):
- Duckworth, Holly,
- Organization(s):
- Kaiser Aluminum, Durango, CO
[This abstract is based on the authors' abstract.]Quality improvement principles, such as "meet or exceed customer expectations" or "make data-driven decisions," direct the actions and behaviors of leaders, especially when the leader is affecting a culture shift. Collectively changing the behavior and activities of all stakeholders inside the organization requires skillful, long-term commitment. The same leadership behaviors that quality leaders use to shift culture for quality improvement purposes can be used toward shifting culture toward social responsibility. Using ISO 26000 as a framework, there are seven principles of social responsibility: accountability, transparency, ethical behavior, respect for stakeholder interest, respect for the rule of law, respect for international norms of behavior, and respect for human rights. A better understanding of what to do and how to behave can direct quality leadership practices in ways that embed social responsibility principles during culture shift.