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Case Study
  • Healthcare, Quality
  • Open Access

Implementing the Healthcare Quality Management System

Improving Healthcare Monograph Series

November 2021
Volume 1 Issue 4
pp. 1-48
Duffy, Grace L.; Story, Pierce; Gillespie, Donna; Loynes, Lynn; Ong Ho, Judy; Peiffer, Susan E.; Chona Sano, Rowena; Leonhardt, Kathryn K.; Youssef, Marguerite; Sidote, Mark; Tye, Joe
ASQ Joint Healthcare and Quality Management Division Healthcare Quality and Improvement Committee (HQIC)


This monograph is a publication of the Healthcare Technical Committee, a joint development of ASQ’s Healthcare and Quality Management Divisions.

A hospital-based healthcare quality management system model was released to healthcare organizations across the globe in April 2016. It was developed by a team of practitioners from the ASQ Healthcare Quality and Improvement Committee (HQIC), representing the Society’s Healthcare and Quality Management Divisions. The model provides a conceptual framework for healthcare leaders and quality practitioners seeking to improve patient outcomes, safety, and satisfaction, as well as cost savings, risk management, and regulatory compliance. The formalized quality management system (QMS) shared in Monograph One documents the structure, responsibility, and procedures required to achieve effective quality management. By recognizing the interactions of the key business processes associated with this model, leaders can reduce negative impacts on results and promote evaluation of integrated improvement opportunities. Furthermore, the model facilitates the attainment and maintenance of critical changes in operational environments so the demands of regulators and payers can be met. Three subsequent monographs were developed that provide a current system assessment tool, quality tools to assist in improvement of process gaps identified by the assessment tool, and this monograph four, Applications of the 10 Quality System Elements.

Monograph Four provides examples of improvement to healthcare processes as described by participants in the actual projects. The contributors associate their improvement activities with one of the 10 Quality System Elements within the ASQ QMD/HCD Hospital-Based Healthcare QMS Model. Please note that not all these improvement stories occurred in a traditional hospital setting. The value of the healthcare QMS model is being recognized in a greatly expanded health arena.

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