Walk the Line
- Publication:
- Quality Progress
- Date:
- March 2015
- Issue:
- Volume 48 Issue 3
- Pages:
- pp. 18-22
- Author(s):
- Bremer, Michael
- Organization(s):
- Cumberland Group, Hinsdale, IL, Chicagoland Lean Enterprise Consortium, Chicago, IL, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
This article discusses the use and benefits of gemba walks as a powerful improvement tool, and explains how to conduct them. Gemba walks are typically defined as going to where the action is. Seeing up close the reality of how a process actually works versus conditioned assumptions can answer a host of questions that lead to new ideas for ways to develop people and major process improvements. They are a key element of the Toyota Production System. When you walk the gemba, you have an opportunity to see below the surface with your own eyes and more deeply understand what is really happening inside your organization. Seeing up close the reality of how a process actually works versus conditioned assumptions can answer a host of questions that lead to new ideas for ways to develop people and major process improvements. You will see firsthand whether the workers understand the purpose of their work; understand and follow standard work practices; and use a scientific thought process for problem identification and root cause analysis. Effectively done, gemba walks foster the development of a shared vision where people working together can accomplish performance improvements to make any organization more successful.