Learning to Fish
- Publication:
- Quality Progress
- Date:
- July 2012
- Issue:
- Volume 45 Issue 7
- Pages:
- pp. 16-21
- Author(s):
- Bullington, Kimball
- Organization(s):
- Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN
The fishbone diagram, also known as the cause and effect diagram, CED, or Ishikawa diagram, can be used to create desired career development results. The career excellence diagram, or CED2, is the author's specific variant. A typical manufacturing CED has as its six main cause categories people, processes, materials, machines, measurements, and environment. CED2 replaces materials with sources information and machines with technological products. In practice, it might be useful to split overemphasized headings and eliminate underemphasized ones. The head of the fishbone, the ultimate goal of the career improvement, is an area many struggle with when using CED2; a personal mission statement is important to successfully improving one's career.