Back to Basics: A Disciplined Approach
Back to Basics: A Disciplined Approach
Perform corrective actions using the 8D model
- Publication:
- Quality Progress
- Date:
- May 2019
- Issue:
- Volume 52 Issue 5
- Pages:
- pp. 64
- Author(s):
- Pruitt, W. Frazier
- Organization(s):
- Southco Inc., Greater Rochester Area, NY
Nothing causes anxiety for a team quite like the release of a corrective action preventive action (CAPA) system and accompanying eight disciplines (8D) model. Questions of value come immediately and consistently. The denial phase is inevitable, but the team can accelerate the progression of forming, storming and norming, and emerge performing with a strategy. Reassure your team that it can easily perform 8D—all that must be done is fit routine problem solving into the eight disciplines. It’s only formatting a framework to organize ideas and remember important steps. Follow this step-by-step explanation of 8D to reassure your team and get results.