ISO Risk Based Thinking 2016 Ed

ISO Risk Based Thinking 2016 Ed
Greg Hutchins
340 pages, Published 2016
Dimensions: 81/2 x 11
ISBN: 9780965466561
Item Number: P1604
Member Price: $89.00
List Price: $89.00
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- ISO 9001:2015
- Risk management
- ISO 31000
- Standards
- Risk based thinking
- Quality
- Process integration
ISO Risk Based Thinking is the first book to address risk management in the new ISO families of standards. ISO incorporated Risk Based Thinking into ISO 9001:2015 and its management system standards. Learn what Risk Based Thinking really means and, most importantly understand what you need to do to adopt risk based thinking. Everyone who has adopted ISO management systems should read this book to understand and implement Risk Based Thinking.
ISO Risk Based Thinking offers you the following:
- Explains the rationale of ISO’s Risk Based Thinking into management system standards.
- Explains key risk concepts such as VUCA, risk management, risk context, etc.
- Presents insider tips and tools known to standards developers and high-priced management system consultants.
- Explains risk management concepts such as Risk Based Thinking (RBT).
- Lists critical risk, process, effectiveness, and RBT questions that your QMS consultant and CB should be able to answer.
- Presents Risk Based Thinking based on ISO 31000 and COSO standards.