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About ASQ

Deming Medal

The Deming Medal is presented to those who, like Dr. Deming, have successfully combined the application of statistical thinking and management so that each supports and enhances the other, thus leading to quality in products and services.

Nominations for the Deming Medal must be received by October 1.

Who is Eligible:

  • The nominee must be living at the time of the nomination. 
  • Evidence that the nominee understands that principles founded by Dr. Deming. 
  • Evidence that the nominee contributed to the theory. 
  • Applied the theory by transforming a company personally (usually executives) or helping others to transform a company (usually masters and/or consultants).


  • Nominees may be managers, or those who helped managers, to achieve the type of transformation that uses a new style of managing for quality.
  • The nominee need not be a member of ASQ. Obviously, it is preferred that the nominee be a member of ASQ or another Society interested in the area of quality. It is important that the nominee have the qualifications required.
  • Proposers can be ASQ Sections, Divisions, Technical Committees, International Chapters, other organizations, customers, suppliers, or coworkers of the nominee or have any other relationship with the nominee. Proposers should not be listed as ‘references’
  • It is understood that the proposer may need to elicit from the nominee some of the information requested on the nomination form. 
  • The nomination form must not exceed 10 single-sided pages in length (not including five reference letters, each no more than two pages in length.) 
  • It is acceptable to have a cover letter as part of the nomination form. This will be included in the 10-page limit. Along with the nomination form, please include a proposed citation for the presentation document, not to exceed 40 words.
  • The last page of the nomination form provides space for listing references who have provided reference letters to be included in the nomination package. Include here the names of five people who: Are not the proposers, have direct knowledge of the nominee and his or her work, can confirm and elaborate on one or more aspects of the nominee’s work andimpact as described in the nomination form, have agreed to be available for contact by the members of the Deming Medal Committee, have agreed to provide a reference letter to support this nomination, with a maximum length of two pages.

Criteria to Win:

  • It must be evident that the nominee understands the principles laid out by Dr. Deming.
  • There must be evidence that the nominee contributed to the theory of statistical thinking that allowsmanagement to achieve quality.
  • It is required that the nominee has applied this theory by transforming a company or major division of a company. The nominee may have done this personally (usually executive) or helped others to transform a company or division (usually consultants and/or masters - defined as those who understood both the managerial aspect and the statistical thinking needed to help management).


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