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About ASQ

Dr. John D. Hromi

Dr. John D. Hromi (1921-2015) was named an ASQ Honorary member in 2004. His citation reads, "In recognition of exemplary service as a practitioner, educator, and consultant of quality management and applied statistics principles and techniques. He has coached and mentored students and professionals around the world, making an indelible contribution to the establishment of a worldwide quality community and the sponsorship of a new generation of quality leaders from across the globe."

Professor emeritus at the John D. Hromi Center for Quality and Applied Statistics of the College of Engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology in New York, Hromi served as the center's executive director prior to it being named for him. Also named in his honor is the Dr. John D. Hromi Quality Training Center in Melbourne, Australia.

Hromi was named a Fellow of ASQ in 1961 and served as ASQ president in 1981. He was the recipient of the Society's Grant and Lancaster Awards in 1987 and 1996, respectively, its Edwards Medal in 1993, and its Distinguished Service Medal in 2001. He passed away May 3, 2015.

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