Ishikawa Medal
The Ishikawa Medal will be awarded to an individual or a team whose work has had a major positive impact on the human aspects of quality.
Nominations for the Ishikawa Medal must be received by October 1.
Who is Eligible:
The Ishikawa Medal Committee is looking for individuals or teams who have had major positive impact on the human aspects of quality in keeping with the legacy of Dr. Ishikawa.
- Nominees may be individuals or teams. (The suggestions below are meant to be guidelines or examples and do not exclude other indicators of accomplishment deserving recognition by an Ishikawa Medal.)
- While self-nomination is not prohibited, the Ishikawa Medal committee hopes that the nominee’s work has been so noticeably beneficial, that others will welcome the opportunity to do the nominating.
- Nominators can be customers, suppliers, or coworkers of the nominee or have any other relationship with her, him, or them. Nominators should not be listed as ‘references’.
- It is understood that the nominator may need to elicit from the nominee some of the information requested in the application.
- Nominations should be limited to one page per question (font minimum of 10 font) with no more than six pages of attachments to support the application.
- Supporting information should describe or reflect the impact/effectiveness of the individual or team contribution and may include such things as:
-Concrete evidence of a caring work environment such as empowered work teams, focus on training and development, cross-functional teams, policies that support recognition of employees, egalitarian power structure, sharing best practices,andcreative methods for empowering people.
-Concrete evidence of humanitarian contributions that impact community, state, national, industry, or profession.
-Articles, performance measures,orsatisfaction surveys.
- The application is limited to a total of 10 single-sided pages, including cover letter, and not to exceed a one-page response per question. Additional pages may be used for references and information supporting claims. Minimum of 10 point font.
- It is acceptable to have a cover letter as part of the application. This will be included in the 10-page limit.
Criteria for Winning:
- The impact of his, her, or their contributions should be two fold:
-Positive impact on the human environment of the workplace.
-Positive impact on the quality of goods and services delivered to customers.
- Contributions should have sufficient durability that their effects have stood the test of time and the challenge of adversity.
- Contributions should be multiple or cumulative, not a single moment of success.
- The nominee’s positive contributions must be experienced and recognized by others.
- The customers are the final arbiters of improved quality. The workforce is the arbiter of an improved human environment.