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Global State of Quality

ASQ Global State of Quality 2 Reports

As organizations evolve, so too do stakeholder and customer expectations. They require responsive service along with high-quality and innovative products. Quality systems and processes can help organizations meet these requirements.The Global State of Quality 2 Research reports will examine the state of quality worldwide, providing relevant and up-to-date information needed to incorporate quality systems into your business strategy.

Global State of Quality 2 Research

The Global State of Quality 2 Research: Discoveries 2016

The Global State of Quality 2 Research: Discoveries 2016 examines the state of quality and continuous improvement worldwide, providing organizations with insights into gaps and opportunities. The latest research expands upon the inaugural 2013 research, which provided the first-ever view of quality and continuous improvement on a global scale.

This quantitative and qualitative report offers analysis of nearly 1,700 respondents worldwide, addressing topics critical to enhancing quality and continuous improvement programs, including the influence of the customer, trends in industry standards, training systems, governance structures and more. The report also identifies similarities and differences across nations and regions.

Global State of Quality 2 Research

Investigación Estado global de la calidad 2: Hallazgos de 2016

La investigación Estado global de la calidad 2: Hallazgos de 2016 analiza el estado de la calidad y la mejora continua a nivel mundial, que proporciona a las organizaciones información sobre las brechas y oportunidades. La última investigación amplía la primera investigación de 2013, que proporcionó el primer punto de vista sobre la calidad y la mejora continua a una escala mundial.

Este informe cuantitativo y cualitativo ofrece un análisis de casi 1.700 encuestados en todo el mundo, y aborda temas esenciales para mejorar los programas de calidad y mejora continua, incluida la influencia del cliente, las tendencias en las normas industriales, los sistemas de capacitación, las estructuras de gestión y mucho más. El informe también identifica las similitudes y diferencias en distintos países y regiones.

Global State of Quality 2 Research

基于《全球质量状况 2 研究》:《2016 年研究发现》

《全球质量状况 2 研究》:《2016 年研究发现》 探讨了全球质量状况和持续改进,为组织提供思路及帮助其了解差距和机会。本次最新的研究在 2013 年首次研究的基础上更上一层楼,2013 年的研究首次提出针对全球范围质量和持续改进的观点。

该份报告对全球近 1700 受访者进行定性和定量的分析,分析对提高质量和持续改进至关重要的主题,包括客户的影响,行业标准的趋势,培训体系,治理结构等。该报告还比较了不同国家和地区之间的相似之处和差异。

Spotlight Report

Spotlight Report: KPIs Key to Successful Supply Chain

Establishing meaningful key performance indicators for supply chain is essential to driving operational excellence. But every company is different and has different values, which mean there is no set of KPIs that will work for all. Instead companies need to tie their measurements to the drivers of their companies.

ASQ and its research partner APQC developed this Spotlight report to highlight some of the KPIs that should be considered when developing metrics for your business. It includes a global view of supply chain and provides direction for organizations that don’t have supply chain measurements in place.



KPI 是供应链成功的关键

Spotlight Report

Spotlight Report: A Trend? A Fad? Or is Big Data the Next Best Thing?

Big Data can have a big impact on quality. Or can it? ASQ and its research partners APQC dives into the topic and interviewed two big names in big data: Elmer Corbin, director and project executive, client success at IBM Watson & Watson Health, and Silvia Veronese, director big data solutions, Hewlett Packard Enterprises Co.

Both Corbin and Veronese answer questions about how their organizations started working with big data, what they use it for now, and where it’s headed in the future. They also provide insight for organizations wanting to start their journey in big data.



一种潮流? 或许,大数据就是下一个热门事物


Spotlight Report

Spotlight Report: Innovation and Quality Go Hand in Hand

Innovation and quality are reliant on each other for success. After all, “innovation is fundamentally the act of doing things better, faster, more efficiently or with greater quality,” according to Scott Alexander, vice president of innovation at ROi — Resource Optimization & Innovation.

ASQ and its research partner APQC interviewed Alexander about innovation and quality, and how organizations can foster a culture of innovation, and succeed. Furthermore, this question-and-answer designed Spotlight Report addresses the role of the customer in innovation, and the positive impact innovation and quality can have on an organization’s bottom line.






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