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Global State of Quality


ASQ and APQC conducted in 2016 the second iteration of the Global State of Quality Research, which provides an analysis of nearly 1,700 companies. The research results are included in the qualitative and quantitative Discoveries 2016 report, which addresses topics important to enhancing quality, including the influence of the customer, trends in industry standards, training systems, governance structures and more.

In addition to Discoveries 2016, ASQ and APQC published three Spotlight Reports that examine closely topics covered in Discoveries 2016, including the role of big data in quality, the function of quality in innovation, and the importance of key performance indicators in the supply chain.

What We Learned in 2016

The ASQ Global State of Quality 2 Research builds on the Global State of Quality initiatives of 2013, again providing a comprehensive, global, and quantitative view of the state of quality and continuous improvement worldwide

The results and analysis provides organizations the bench-mark data needed to further develop continuous improvement practices and enhance quality programs. Here's a glimpse of what we learned in 2016. For more information, download Discoveries 2016 today!


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Global State of Quality 2 Research