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Economics of Quality

Explore the in-depth research that helps link quality to the bottom line.

The Rising Economic Power of Quality

For today’s organizations, these are challenging times. Entire industries are being disrupted by startups or innovators with new business models and technologies. A difficult global economy creates uncertainty. Today’s customers have a multitude of information at their fingertips and want greater choice and responsiveness. Rapid time to market is critical to competitiveness, and there is enormous pressure to design, build and ship products at blazing speeds.

Successful organizations have learned to deliver world-class quality through products, processes and people — no matter how unforgiving the business environment. They harness the enormous economic potential of quality management to attain leadership of their respective markets.

ASQ, in association with Forbes Insights — the research arm of Forbes Media — has explored the “Rising Economic Power of Quality” to identify organizations that have attained leadership through quality management, and examine the overall impact of quality on driving competitiveness in the 21st century. The research, based on the observations of executives and quality professionals from across the globe, identifies the links between quality efforts and corporate performance. This includes looking at the evolving business value of quality, and the tools and platforms making a difference, as well as plans to move forward with quality efforts. The actionable research provides companies with a roadmap toward better connecting quality efforts and corporate performance no matter where they are in their state of quality maturity.

The Rising Economic Power of Quality


ASQ       Forbes Insights