Remote Auditing Fundamentals, Second Edition (ebook)
Shauna Wilson, Paul Russell
Member Price: $35.00
List Price: $50.00Keywords
- e-auditing
- remote auditing
- virtual communications
In an era where remote work has become a norm, auditing has evolved to embrace the power of electronic communication tools. Remote Auditing Fundamentals offers practical advice on how to effectively incorporate these tools into the auditing process. This book dives into the pros and cons of remote auditing, guiding you through the complexities of conducting audits from a distance. It covers when remote audits are more efficient and highlights instances where they can lead to unreliable outcomes.
Key topics include:
- Adapting to the absence of passive office communication (like visual reminders)
- Managing teams based on deliverables rather than hours worked
- Ensuring your technology and infrastructure are robust enough to support virtual audits
Whether you’re an auditor, team leader, or manager, Remote Auditing Fundamentals is your essential guide to navigating the future of auditing. Don’t leave your audit quality to chance—start mastering remote audits today!
Shauna Wilson, MS, has over forty years’ experience in virtual teams’ communication and development of virtual auditing methods. Shauna earned her MS engineering degree specializing in organizational performance technologies and instructional design. Author of many books, her content has also been featured in Quality Progress magazine, The Auditor, and ASTD’s InfoLine. Shauna served as the U.S. expert for PC/TAG302 ISO 19011:2018 Guidelines for Auditing Management Systems and was the 2022 recipient of the ASQ Audit Division Paul Gauthier Award.
Paul Russell, CQA, has performed remote audits with two U.S. Defense Agency contracts. He is Managing Director for QualityWBT Center for Education and the JP Russell Learning Center. For over 20 years, Paul Russell has worked with web-based training and blended learning classes approved by the American Society for Quality (ASQ). He is a voting member of the U.S. Technical Advisory Group (US TAG) ISO/TC 176 for Quality Management Systems standards. Previously, Paul was in the health industry maintaining U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Union (EU) compliance for blood bank locations, blood manufacturing facilities, and blood mobiles. While performing pharmacy audits, he was assigned to the Midwest/Northeast/Mid-Atlantic/South regions to maintain Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and FDA compliance as well as pharmacy specific adherence to the drug laws of 21 states and one district.