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Statistical Quality Control for the Six Sigma Green Belt (eBook)

Statistical Quality Control for the Six Sigma Green Belt (eBook)

Bhisham C. Gupta, H. Fred Walker

PDF, 368 pages, Published 2007
ISBN: 9780873891622
Item Number: E1277

Member Price: $75.60

List Price: $108.00


  • Government
  • Service
  • Healthcare
  • Certification
  • Manufacturing
  • Six Sigma
  • Statistics


This book is a desk reference and instructional aid for those individuals currently involved with, or preparing for involvement with, Six Sigma project teams.

As Six Sigma team members, Green Belts help select, collect data for, and assist with the interpretation of a variety of statistical or quantitative tools within the context of the Six Sigma methodology. The second in a four-book series geared specifically for these Green Belt activities, this book provides a thorough discussion of statistical quality control (SQC) tools. These tools are introduced and discussed from the perspective of application rather than theoretical development. From this perspective, readers are taught to consider the SQC tools as statistical “alarm bells” that send signals when there are one or more problems with a particular process.

Guidance is also given on the use of Minitab and JMP in doing these various SQC applications. In addition, examples and sample problems from all industries appear throughout the book to aid a Green Belt's comprehension of the material.