SPC for Right-Brain Thinkers (eBook)

SPC for Right-Brain Thinkers (eBook)
Process Control for Non-Statisticians
Lon Roberts
128 pages, Published 2005
ISBN: 9780873891271
Item Number: E1257
Member Price: $33.60
List Price: $48.00Keywords
- Healthcare
- Finance
- Government
- Basic Quality
- Statistical Process Control
- Hospitality
- Process Management
- Quality Control
- Statistics
- Service
- Retail/Wholesale
- Sales
SPC for Right-Brain Thinkers is not simply another made-easy book on the subject of statistical process control (SPC). The guiding principle in writing this book was to make SPC accessible to that large group of individuals who would readily characterize themselves as right-brain thinkers. The challenge that right-brained thinkers face in understanding and applying SPC goes beyond the math; it is also a matter of approaching the subject from a different perspective altogether—--through the side door, if you will, where the inner workings of SPC may be seen in action. The book is also intended to serve the information needs of those who either own or work within the job processes wherein SPC is applied.
Since right-brain thinkers are often inclined to gravitate to service-oriented jobs, the examples used in this book demonstrate the use of SPC in a service organization: a pseudo law firm called Advocate General. These examples demonstrate the basic principles of SPC in way that can be adapted to any situation.
This is a book for those who: are inclined to label themselves as right-brain thinkers; are intimidated by math, possibly even the mere mention of something as ominous-sounding as statistical process control; and/or need only a basic understanding of SPC, perhaps from a systems perspective or as a potential user of an SPC tracking system.