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ASQ to Honor Professionals for Leadership, Contributions to Quality

16 to be recognized in Seattle prior to ASQ’s World Conference on Quality and Improvement

Milwaukee, Wis., March 21, 2018 — ASQ will present its Honorary members, Distinguished Service Medals and 12 other society medals April 29 in Seattle, prior to its annual World Conference on Quality and Improvement.

ASQ is the leading authority on quality and recognizes recipients for their innovative contributions and achievements in quality. Winners’ exemplary achievements are representative of the ideas and tools that make our world work better.

Each individual will be recognized during ASQ’s annual business meeting, Sunday, April 29.

Honorary ASQ Member

Honorary members are individuals who have made enduring contributions to the profession of quality and the allied arts and sciences. Election is restricted to individuals who are so well known and so clearly pre-eminent in the profession that there should be almost no doubt of their being worthy of such recognition. The 2018 Honorary members are:

Ronald D. Snee, Founder and President, Snee Associates LLC, Newark, Del. — For his role in advancing the application of statistical methods and reliable problem-solving methodologies by organizational leaders and team members across the globe in a wide cross-setting of industries in order to improve decision making and quality/process improvement and achieve performance excellence.

Geoff Vining, Professor, Department of Statistics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Va. — For extraordinary service to ASQ, including five years of service on the board of directors and 20 years on the Publications Management Board; for extensive contributions to the body of knowledge, including authorship of 60 archival journal papers, three books and two edited volumes; for outstanding research leadership, including serving as editor of the Journal of Quality Technology and editor-in-chief of Quality Engineering. In addition, for exceptional ambassadorship, international outreach around the world, and building bridges between North America, Europe, Latin America and Asia.

Distinguished Service Medal winners 

ASQ’s Distinguished Service Medal represents the highest distinction for service from ASQ and honors the lifetime contribution of any person who has been recognized as a long-term enabler, catalyst or prime mover in the quality movement. The Distinguished Service Medals for 2018 have been awarded to:

Janet Raddatz, Sargento Foods Inc., Plymouth, Wis. — For her dedication and leadership in keeping the food supply safe and of high quality. Her sustained service to the dairy industry, the quality profession, and ASQ has made an impactful difference in the lives of many.

Steven Paul Bailey, Steven P. Bailey LLC, Wilmington, Del. — For dedicated leadership in advancing quality concepts and tools through research, application and extensive training in both industry and academics, with emphasis on statistically based techniques including Six Sigma methodologies at all levels, taught worldwide; and for his extensive and unselfish leadership within ASQ, serving as president or chair at the section, division and Society levels.

2018 Society Medals

Feigenbaum Medal presented to Ali Masoudi, US BCSD, Austin, Texas — For early career contributions in the application of quality methods to environmental sustainability through the application of quality function deployment and lean methods for development of eco-design approaches for creating environmentally sustainable products and materials.

Shewhart Medal presented to Christine M. Anderson-Cook, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, N.M. — For exemplary leadership, service, training, research and applications in solving complex problems through statistical thinking and statistical engineering.

Shainin Medal presented to Cristobal Samaniego, Ann Arbor, Mich. — For his development of a simple statistical test to confirm that a proposed improvement will reduce system variation.

Lancaster Medal presented to Daniel Edward Sniezek, Lockheed Martin (retired), Binghamton, N.Y. — In recognition of the outstanding contributions in initiating international member units globally; for serving as an exceptional coach, guide and mentor to the international students; and for serving ASQ and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, or IEEE, in high-profiled positions.

Crosby Medal presented to Elizabeth A. Cudney, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, Mo. — For authoring “Design for Six Sigma: A Practical Approach through Innovation,” which focuses on innovative and systematic continuous improvement in product, process and service design through an integrated lean and Six Sigma methodology to achieve robust design.

Crosby Medal presented to Tina Kanti Agustiady, InnovaNet, Tampa, Fla. — For authoring “Design for Six Sigma: A Practical Approach through Innovation,” which focuses on innovative and systematic continuous improvement in product, process and service design through an integrated lean and Six Sigma methodology to achieve robust design.

Hromi Medal presented to Gary K. Griffith, Griffith Training, Corona, Calif. — For significant and long-term contributions as an author in the field of inspection; specifically, for authoring “The Quality Technicians’ Handbook,” “Geometric Dimensioning and “Tolerancing: Applications and Inspection,” and “Measuring & Gauging Geometric Tolerances.” Also, for devoted and enduring contributions as an educator to countless inspectors and technicians for more than 35 years.

Grant Medal presented to James E. Breneman, Engineering and Quality Solutions, Easley, S.C. — For founding the Engineering Technical University at Pratt and Whitney, which has been benchmarked against similar programs of other major Fortune 500 companies. At the time of Breneman’s retirement in 2008, Pratt and Whitney had already provided more 450,000 hours of instruction to employees. Breneman also has contributed at multiple schools and has taught many public course offerings from the ASQ Reliability Division.

Hutchens Medal presented to KoAnn Vikoren Skrzyniarz, Sustainable Brands, San Francisco — For building Sustainable Brands and a vibrant community of courageous optimists who are passionately and collaboratively making the world more sustainable.

Edwards Medal presented to Linda Westfall, Westfall Team Inc., Montague, Texas — For outstanding leadership and contribution to software quality tools, standards, processes and training nationally and internationally.

Brumbaugh Award presented to Heng Su, Wells Fargo, Charlotte, N.C. — For co-authoring the article “CME Analysis: A New Method for Unraveling Aliased Effects in Two-Level Fractional Factorial Experiments,” published in January 2017 in the Journal of Quality Technology, Volume 49, No. 1, pp. 1–10.

Brumbaugh Award presented to C.F. Jeff Wu, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta — For co-authoring the article “CME Analysis: A New Method for Unraveling Aliased Effects in Two-Level Fractional Factorial Experiments,” published in January 2017 in the Journal of Quality Technology, Volume 49, No. 1, pp. 1–10.

About ASQ
ASQ, headquartered in Milwaukee, Wis., USA, is a global community of people dedicated to quality who share the ideas and tools that make our world work better. With individual and organizational members in more than 140 countries, ASQ has the reputation and reach to bring together the diverse quality champions who are transforming the world’s organizations and communities to meet tomorrow’s critical challenges.

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