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ASQ Accepting Applications for Program That Develops Quality Professionals’ Leadership Skills

Site visits, executive mentoring among participant benefits

Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 15, 2018 — Applications are due March 15 for ASQ’s Emerging Quality Leaders Program, a program designed to develop the leadership skills of quality professionals through executive mentoring, team projects, and on-site visits.

Candidates for the year-long program are potential successors for senior-level management, embrace engaging and thought-provoking challenges, and have a passion for leadership, development, change and continuous improvement.

The 2018-2019 session begins at the ASQ World Conference on Quality and Improvement April 29 – May 2 in Seattle. ASQ is the leading global authority on quality.

“EQLP provides a unique outside-in perspective on proven quality practices and methods that have helped organizations succeed in their strategic goals and business transformations,” said Microsoft’s Sagar Kulkarni, 2016-2017 EQLP participant. “The opportunity to network and brainstorm business challenges with seasoned quality practitioners and senior executives is invaluable and will be a long-lasting benefit that will outlast the annual program lifecycle.”

Participant benefits include:

  • Gaining best-practice idea sharing from Fortune 500 companies.
  • Strengthening communications and leadership skills through team building.
  • Developing relationships with peers and established executives.
  • Executive mentoring that focuses on strategy.

Organizations benefit through an accelerated transfer of executive knowledge to leading employees, building a strong foundation for the future of quality, and the development of quality leaders who can effectively articulate the value of quality in your company.

Program highlights include monthly interactive workshops led by thought leaders, in-person visits for hands-on learning of proven quality practices, and the opportunity to connect with other midlevel professionals selected from leading worldwide companies.

As part of the 2018-2019 class, participants will visit Edward Jones in St. Louis, Google in Mountain Views, Calif., and Caterpillar in Peoria, Ill.

To learn more about the Emerging Quality Leaders Program, visit ASQ.org.

About ASQ

ASQ, headquartered in Milwaukee, Wis., USA, is a global community of people dedicated to quality who share the ideas and tools that make our world work better. With individual and organizational members in more than 140 countries, ASQ has the reputation and reach to bring together the diverse quality champions who are transforming the world’s organizations and communities to meet tomorrow’s critical challenges.

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