Correlation and Regression
A common goal of statistical research is to find links between variables. By using correlation to identify the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two variables and using regression to predict how much a dependent variable changes based on adjustments to an independent variable, you are empowered to make objective, data-driven decisions regarding your processes.
In this easy-to-follow eLearning course, equipped with engaging voice-over narration and compelling content-supporting visuals, animations, and hands-on interactions, learn how to use correlation, an indication of the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two variables, to identify relationships between variables, and use regression, a statistical measure that shows how much a dependent variable varies based on changes to an independent variable, to predict outcomes.
Review practical, real-life examples to reinforce your understanding and work through interactive activities and knowledge checks to apply what you’ve learned.
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Course Data
- CEU Hours: 0
- Length: 0.33 Hours
- ASQ RU: 0.03
- Audience: New to Quality
- Provider: ASQ
Learning Objectives:
- Describe how correlation is used to identify relationships between variables
- Describe how regression analysis is used to predict outcomes
Who Should Attend:
Anyone new to quality who wants to learn about the most commonly used methods for investigating relationships between variables—correlation and regression.- Introduction
- Learning Objectives
- Correlation
- What is Correlation?
- Correlation Analysis
- Calculating Correlation Coefficient
- Regression
- What is Regression?
- Regression Lines, Slope, and the y-Intercept
- Coefficient of Determination
- Using Simple Linear Regression to Predict an Outcome
- Summary
Technical Requirements
Hardware Requirements
- PC, Mac, or mobile device
- Audio speakers or headset
- High-speed internet connection
Supported Browsers
You can view courses on any devices that support these browsers. This includes mobile devices such as iPhones, iPads, and Android-enabled phones and tablets.
- Windows: Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge (latest version), Google Chrome (latest version), Firefox (latest version)
- Mac: Safari (latest version), Google Chrome (latest version), Firefox (latest version)
- Mobile: Safari in Apple iOS 10 or later, Google Chrome in Apple iOS 10 or later, Google Chrome in Android OS 4.4 or later
Required Browser Settings
- JavaScript must be enabled for published courses to work.
- Font downloads must be enabled to see the correct fonts and characters.
- When using Internet Explorer, turn off Compatibility View for sites where courses are hosted.
- Deactivate any pop-up blockers, spam filters, and company firewalls that could interfere with access to the e-learning.
- Third-party toolbars such as Bing, Yahoo, and Google should also be disabled due to their own pop-up blocking capabilities.
Accessing Your E-learning
After registration, you will receive an email with access instructions. If you do not, please check your email junk, spam, or clutter folders. If the email is not there, please contact ASQ.Enrollment Details
Internet-based, self-paced training modules, which may involve combinations of text, visuals, audio, interactive simulations and quizzes (see specific courses for features and tools). These web-based courses require a computer and Internet access.
CRASQ | Self-Paced | English | 365 Days | List: $35 Member: $25 |
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