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The ASQ Certified Food Safety and Quality Auditor Handbook, Fourth Edition
The CFSQA Handbook Fourth Edition cover

The ASQ Certified Food Safety and Quality Auditor Handbook, Fourth Edition

Steven Wilson

Hardcover, 312 pages
Dimensions: 7 x 10 inches
ISBN: 9781951058180
Item Number: H1574

Member Price: $105.00

List Price: $150.00
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  • haccp
  • auditing
  • food safety


Federal regulatory agencies have embraced Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) as the most effective method to offer farm-to-table food safety and quality in the United States—but it is important to look beyond HACCP. The ASQ Certified Food Safety and Quality Auditor (CFSQA) Handbook serves as a baseline of knowledge for auditors of food safety and quality systems that covers other aspects of food production, including preventive controls. This handbook assists certification candidates in preparing for the ASQ Certified Food Safety and Quality Auditor (CFSQA) examination. Its chapters cover the HACCP audit and auditor, preventive principles, and quality assurance analytical tools.

The updated fourth edition also includes:
• The history of primitive and modern food preservation methods, including the introduction of HACCP methods
• The evolution of prerequisite programs, such as chemical and microbiological controls
• The importance of other food system support programs, such as product traceability and recall, facility design, and environmental control and monitoring
• Preliminary tasks for developing a HACCP plan

About the Division
The mission of the ASQ Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Division is to achieve increased customer satisfaction and continuous improvement by identifying, communicating, and promoting knowledge and the use of management concepts, technologies, and regulations as they relate to quality principles in all functional areas of the food, drug, and cosmetic industries. The Division holds conferences, confers awards annually, awards scholarships, and provides training and networking opportunities for participants in these industries.