Career Coach: Preparing for the Revolution
Career Coach: Preparing for the Revolution
- Publication:
- Quality Progress
- Date:
- August 2017
- Issue:
- Volume 50 Issue 8
- Pages:
- pp. 14-15
- Author(s):
- Lindborg, Henry J.
- Organization(s):
- National Institute for Quality Improvement, Fond du Lac, WI
In the meantime, as we listen to Gates and Zuckerberg, we should heed seasoned experts like Ed Gordon, award-winning author of books on closing the skills gap. He writes, “The bottom line: Unless we adopt proactive talent-creation policies now, we will face a world in which there will be a lot of people without jobs and, at the same time, a growing number of jobs without people.” And quality professionals, having helped lay the foundation for the fourth industrial revolution, should prepare themselves to lead in thought and action.