Supply Chain Management Demystified
Supply Chain Management Demystified
John M. Mckeller
272 pages
Dimensions: 7x9
ISBN: 9780071805124
Item Number: P1549
Member Price: $25.00
List Price: $25.00
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- Supply chain management
Optimize your understanding of the essential supply chain management practices used by the best firms to gain competitive advantage. Written in an easy-to-follow style, Supply Chain Management DeMYSTiFieD is filled with best practices and proven techniques for success. Creating a customer-focused strategy
Buyer-supplier negotiations
New product development
Just in time (JIT), Lean manufacturing, and Six Sigma
Global supply chains
This practical guide covers supply chain collaboration, planning, strategic sourcing, manufacturing, production, logistics, risk management, and performance metrics. Corporate social responsibility is also addressed. Detailed examples and concise explanations make it easy to understand the material, and end-of-chapter quizzes and a final exam help reinforce key concepts.
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