Out of Another @#&*! Crisis! (eBook)
Motivation through Humiliation
Mike Micklewright
Member Price: $24.50
List Price: $35.00Keywords
- Deming
- 14 points
- quality management
- leadership
This book explores just that. One of its purposes is to dissect each of the principles and see how we rate as a society, as an economy, and as a country when compared to these principles that the very wise Dr. Deming defined for us in the early '80s. It analyzes how practices and tools such as quality circles, total quality management, zero defects, benchmarking, balanced scorecard, reengineering, ISO 9001, Six Sigma, and lean either support or do not support Deming’s principles.
The goal of this book is to resurrect the Deming principles, to create more Demingites who will also preach and spread the word of Deming for the good of society, and to shock and tell it like it is, much like Deming would.
"The quality professionals and Deming community, and heck the top management of every organization, really need to read chapter 3 of this book: 'How do U.S. Companies Rate Today against Deming's 14 Points?' Mike provides a lot of facts and data to support his case. This sole chapter is worth the price of the book! But you also have to see the rest!"