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Individual Membership

ASQ membership offers you access to comprehensive industry and topic information that relates to you and your specific goals and challenges. You may also add other enhancements to your membership based on what is right for you.

In addition to the general membership benefits, ASQ International Members receive these exclusive benefits.
  • Local Member Communities (LMCs) – LMCs are member communities founds outside of the US/Canada. Being part of a member community near you will connect you with other quality professionals in your geographic area. LMC members make new contacts, network, and build knowledge through participation in local activities and events. Participation in these activities and in LMC leadership provides recertification units. To view a current list of LMCs, please click here.
  • Online communities provide expanded networking and learning opportunities no matter what your location, industry, or topic interests may be. Can't find what you're looking for? Members can create new communities to generate new discussions and connections. Anyone can join online communities to reach a broader audience of quality professionals and practitioners – anytime, anywhere.

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