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Discussion Boards

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ASQ Discussion Boards Moderators

Objective: The member leader/staff partnership provides avaluable link with the participants of the ASQ DiscussionBoards. Moderators, both member and staff, play a critical role,serving as the eyes and ears of the members who participate inthe ASQ discussion boards. The moderators facilitate open communicationsand build trust among the participants; ensuring members are ableto participate in meaningful exchanges.

Criteria: To ensure the goals of the ASQ discussion boards aremet (robust discussion, open communications, positive exchangesby all who wish to participate), the moderators will possess the followingcharacteristics.

  • A history of posting in a positive and professional manner.
  • ASQ Full membership (Forum/Division membership for Forum and Division discussion boards and Associate membership for the e-Section discussion board)
  • Familiarity with ASQ and other quality resources.
  • Availability to reply to posts within two business days if there are no responses to a thread of discussion
  • Willingness to professionally remind those who may be violating policies of the ASQ Discussion Boards Rules and Etiquette and ASQ Disclaimer and Legal Rules requirements.
  • The ability, knowledge, and experience to respond to a specific topic.
  • An open mind regarding the opinions of all participants.


  • Read visitor posts regularly. (Commenting on posts is left to the moderator’s discretion).
  • Keep discussions on topic.
  • Keep the discussion board relevant by ensuring a minimum of two posts are made per week (either by the moderator or by the community). When there is lack of discussion, post questions about a hot button topic.
  • Reply within 2 business days (24 hours for staff if post is related to ASQ operations) to specific questions that have not received a response.
  • Ensure dissenting points of view are heard and understood.
  • Write posts in an unbiased conversational writing style.
  • Keep postings brief (under 300 words is a good rule).
  • Share knowledge and experiences. Comment on areas of interest.
  • Check facts and reference sources.
  • Link to other sources (may include ASQ and external links, as appropriate).
  • Maintain an awareness of what is being written and said about the designated topic in all media (blogs, articles, news, etc.).
  • Monitor for trends (especially the potential for new ASQ Discussion Boards).
  • Contact ASQ if and when there are questions about relevancy or appropriateness of comments or cross-postings made by visitors. Inform ASQ of potentially libelous or otherwise inappropriate postings.
  • Establish and maintain credibility with your audience.
  • Serve on a Moderator Advisory Team that meets periodically (via conference call) to discussion moderator issues, discussion board issues and improvements, and serve as a final decision point should a member violate discussion board rules, etiquette and/or legal rules.