2019 Medal and Award Recipients
Congratulations to the following distinguished awardees who received their recognition at the Annual Business Meeting held during ASQ’s Annual World Conference on Quality and Improvement.
To learn more about nominating an individual for an ASQ medal - go to https://asq.org/about-asq/asq-awards.
Chen Zhang, Department of industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Brumbaugh Award presented to Chen Zhang, Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsingua University, Beijing, China- 2019 Chen Zhang, for co-authoring “Multiple profiles sensor-based monitoring and anomaly detection," Journal of Quality Technology, Volume 50, Issue 4."
Hao Yan, Arizona State University
Brumbaugh Award presented to Hao Yan, Arizona State University- 2019 Hao Yan, for co-authoring “Multiple profiles sensor-based monitoring and anomaly detection," Journal of Quality Technology, Volume 50, Issue 4."
Jianjun Shi, Editor in Chief, IISE Transactions, The Carolyn J. Stewart Chair and Professor, H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Brumbaugh Award presented to Jianjun Shi- 2019 Jianjun Shi, for co-authoring “Multiple profiles sensor-based monitoring and anomaly detection," Journal of Quality Technology, Volume 50, Issue 4."
Seungho Lee
Brumbaugh Award presented to Seungho Lee- 2019 Seungho Lee, for co-authoring “Multiple profiles sensor-based monitoring and anomaly detection," Journal of Quality Technology, Volume 50, Issue 4."
No Recipients for 2019
Alan Winlow, MBE
Hutchens Medal presented to Alan Winlow, MBE- “For extraordinary activism by employing Dr. Deming’s philosophy to transform a smokestack industry into a responsible enterprise and vision in re-casting ‘Quality’ from a contentious inspection to a valid objective of minimizing ‘Loss to Society’ for sustainable businesses.”
No Recipients for 2019
No Recipients For 2019 awards
Kaibo Liu, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
Feigenbaum Medal presented to Kaibo Liu, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI - “For his fundamental innovations in multisensor degradation modeling for prognostic analysis, seminal contributions to online measurement and monitoring, and significant promotion of the field of quality and reliability through his teaching and service.”
No recipients for 2019 awards
No Recipients for 2019 Awards
Charles Rollin Gowen III, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
Gryna Award presented to Charles Rollin Gowen III, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL- 2019 Charles R. Gowen, for co-authoring "An empirical study of U.S. hospital quality: Readmission rates, organizational culture, patient satisfaction, and Facebook ratings,” Quality Management Journal, Volume 25, Issue 4."
Jung Young Lee
Gryna Award presented to Jung Young Lee- 2019 Jung Young Lee, for co-authoring "An empirical study of U.S. hospital quality: Readmission rates, organizational culture, patient satisfaction, and Facebook ratings,” Quality Management Journal, Volume 25, Issue 4."
Kathleen L. McFadden, Northern University, College of Business, OM&IS Department, DeKalb, IL
Gryna Award presented to Kathleen L. McFadden- 2019 Kathleen L. McFadden, for co-authoring "An empirical study of U.S. hospital quality: Readmission rates, organizational culture, patient satisfaction, and Facebook ratings,” Quality Management Journal, Volume 25, Issue 4 ."
Gregory S. Gay, Retired, Mendon, MI
Hromi Medal presented to Gregory S. Gay, Retired, Mendon, MI- “For dedicated and long-term contributions to the quality community as an instructor and presenter on numerous inspection-related topics. Specifically, for being a part time college instructor, leading hands-on workshops, providing expertise for certification exam development, and sharing his knowledge via presentations and published articles on inspection topics.”
Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Harvard Business School, Boston MA, Part of Harvard University, Cambridge MA
Hutchens Medal presented to Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Harvard Business School, Boston MA, Part of Harvard University, Cambridge MA- “One of the most influential business thinkers, researchers, and influencers of our time, Professor Kanter has done an enormous amount to help the business leaders of today and tomorrow understand and incorporate social responsibility (SR) in what they do. Through her own actions, and those of her former students, she has helped make SR central to how a great business thinks and operates.”
No recipients for 2019 awards
No recipients for 2019 awards
Willy Vandenbrande, QS Consult, Brugge, Belgium
Lancaster Medal presented to Willy Vandenbrande, QS Consult, Brugge, Belgium- “For inspiring quality professionals worldwide to apply the principles and tools of quality in a holistic and integrated way, focusing on the quality of all life.”
Judson B. Estes, FiatChrysler Automobiles LLC, Auburn Hills, MI
Shainin Medal presented to Judson B. Estes, FiatChrysler Automobiles LLC, Auburn Hills, Michigan - “Judson demonstrated how to utilize a Malfunction Event tool on Destructive Events. He created Reverse Group Comparison, allowing a team to converge onto the Red X Feature or Property even when parts can't be retested.”
Ronald J.M.M. Does, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Shewhart Medal presented to Ronald J.M.M. Does, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - “For outstanding contributions in industrial statistics, quality technology and engineering—in particular, statistical process monitoring, lean six sigma, and operational excellence—of direct benefit to practitioners in industrial engineering, healthcare and services.”